Similarly, all instances of all outstanding disk bandwidth reservations have corresponding deadlines. After each disk block access is completed, the disk scheduler makes another scheduling decision. It picks the next ready reservation instance with the earliest deadline and issues a disk access command corresponding to that instance’s next disk access request.

component specification model

The character of such a relation follows from the type of process it describes. Given a website specification/model, a typical model-checking approach will inject faults into the model and use a model checker to generate attack traces. Various techniques have been proposed to detect technical vulnerabilities (XSS, SQLI, CSRF, etc.) as well as logical vulnerabilities (authentication bypass, insecure direct object references, etc.). A formal specification is a mathematical description of software or hardware that may be used to develop an implementation. It describes what the system should do, not how the system should do it. Given such a specification, it is possible to use formal verification techniques to demonstrate that a candidate system design is correct with respect to that specification.

Reference counting

When myvec is 2’b11, the first synthesis run might choose to set out to 1 for timing/area reasons, while the second synthesis, under different timing/area constraints, sets out to 0. Both are perfectly legal implementations of the RTL, since that case was in the DC space, and thus had no particular value specified. But since the two IMP models generate different values for this specific case, they will not match when compared to each other. The earliest deadline disk scheduling described above blindly picks the next block with the earliest deadline irrespective of the current position of the disk head.

Most construction specifications are a combination of performance-based and proprietary types, naming acceptable manufacturers and products while also specifying certain standards and design criteria that must be met. The temporal aspects of the AHM component architecture provide a convenient method of grouping and synchronizing related objects. Composite components do not, however, provide information on how each component behaves when a link is followed out of that component or within a composite component. In order to describe this type of behavior, the AHM defines the notion of a link context.

Recent Advances in Model-Based Testing

A requirement specification is a documented requirement, or set of documented requirements, to be satisfied by a given material, design, product, service, etc. It is a common early part of engineering design and product development processes in many fields. In the body of your function, input and output artifacts are passed astfx.types.Artifact objects; you can inspect its .uri to get its system-managed location and read/set any properties. Input parameters and simple data type inputs are passed as objects of the specified type.

component specification model

These types are described using Microsoft Interface Definition Language (MSIDL/IDL). IDL files define object-oriented classes, interfaces, structures, enumerations and other user-defined types in a language independent manner. IDL is similar in appearance to C++ declarations with some additional keywords such as “interface” and “library” for defining interfaces and collections of classes.

The Specification Process

Specifications and other standards can be externally imposed as discussed above, but also internal manufacturing and quality specifications. These exist not only for the food or pharmaceutical product but also for the processing machinery, quality processes, packaging, logistics , etc. and are exemplified by ISO and ISO 15609. UK project specification types fall into two main categories prescriptive and performance. Prescriptive specifications define the requirements using generic or proprietary descriptions of what is required, whereas performance specifications focus on the outcomes rather than the characteristics of the components. There are different types of technical or engineering specifications , and the term is used differently in different technical contexts. They often refer to particular documents, and/or particular information within them.

To an event source port, which the container then delivers to each recipient that is connected to the port. The POA suffered from the complexity that comes with its flexibility as a “one size fits all” object adapter. There was only one kind of POA, and implementations had to program POA instances to fit their needs. Homes may have a base home and attributes may support interfaces, and can have special operations called factories or finders.

Design of Embedded Systems: Formal Models, Validation, and Synthesis

If the next request corresponds to another worker thread, that thread is signaled. Else, the worker thread continues to service its remaining disk access requests, if any. A program specification is the definition of what a computer program is expected to do. It can be informal, in which case it can be considered as a user manual from a developer point of view, or formal, in which case it has a definite meaning defined in mathematical or programmatic terms. In practice, many successful specifications are written to understand and fine-tune applications that were already well-developed, although safety-critical software systems are often carefully specified prior to application development.

  • This is the same process internally used when creating instances of registered COM components.
  • The standard AIA and EJCDC states that the drawings and specifications are complementary, together providing the information required for a complete facility.
  • Right-click the text file and select the open option to view the exported information.
  • Calling DllGetClassObject with the desired GUID and IID_IClassFactory provides an instance of a factory object.
  • In Windows, COM classes, interfaces and type libraries are listed by GUIDs in the registry, under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID for classes and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Interface for interfaces.

The major problem with component validation is that the component specification may not be sufficiently detailed to allow you to develop a complete set of component tests. As well as testing that a component for reuse does what you require, you may also have to check that the component does not include any malicious code or functionality that you don’t need. Existing legacy systems that fulfill a useful business function can be re-packaged as components for reuse. This involves writing a wrapper component that implements provides and requires interfaces then accesses the legacy system.


These extensions are designed to simplify COM development and remove much of the boilerplate code required to implement COM servers in C++. All COM components implement the IUnknown interface, which exposes methods for reference counting and type conversion . A custom IUnknown interface consists of a pointer to a virtual method table that contains a list of pointers to the functions that implement the functions declared in the interface, in the same order that they are declared in the interface. The in-process invocation overhead is therefore comparable to virtual method calls in C++.

component specification model

COM objects can also be created manually, given the path of the DLL file and GUID of the object. This does not require the DLL or GUID to be registered in the system registry, and does not make use of manifest files. Calling DllGetClassObject with the desired GUID and IID_IClassFactory provides an instance of a factory object. The Factory object has a CreateInstance method, which can create instances of an object given an interface GUID. This is the same process internally used when creating instances of registered COM components.


This allows multiple versions of the same component to be installed in different directories, described by their own manifests, as well as XCOPY deployment. This technique has limited support for EXE COM servers and cannot be used for system-wide components such as MDAC, MSXML, DirectX or Internet Explorer. In Windows, COM classes, interfaces and type libraries are listed by GUIDs in the registry, under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID for classes and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Interface for interfaces. COM libraries use the registry to locate either the correct local libraries for each COM object or the network location for a remote service. Because COM is a runtime framework, types have to be individually identifiable and specifiable at runtime.